Monday, March 11, 2013

Eshakti--Where Customizing is Easy!

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  1. I've heard so many good things about eShakti and I really would love to purchase one of their dresses just because of how much their customization system is praised! Thanks for providing the screen shot; I like how they ask for very specific measurements. Besides the styled to fit concept, I just love the look of all their clothing. It's all trendy and very stylish no matter what size you are. And the quality seems to be great as I haven't heard any complaints. Thanks for sharing your review!

  2. I'm thrilled to learn about eShakti. I am only 5 foot tall and it's very difficult finding clothing that fits the proper length. Their clothing is really nice - current and stylish. I'm going to be ordering several items from them soon.

  3. I had not heard of eShakti before seeing your post and it is great to know about them! Being short, I rarely find clothes that fit me comfortably or correctly.

  4. This is really cool! Thanks for sharing about it! Getting a custom dress would be awesome!

  5. 3/12
    Commenting for the Kindle Daily Task
    You chose a good color - it looks great on you!

  6. Ive actually ordered 2 dresses from them myself. Definitely recommend the customization it is so worth it.


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